Author Archives: studyroom

The meaning of Shahadah

🌸 The meaning of sahadah 🌸

أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله

Literal meaning : the testification

Meaning I bear witness that there is nobody worthy of worship except Allah

لا إله إلا الله
Is tawheed Al uloohiyyah.

It means “There is no body worthy of worship in truth except for Allaah”

💡Linguistic side of the phrase:


Means “no” . لَا النَّافِيَةُ لِلْجِنْسِ

It is negating every single thing referring to a specific type.

What is the specific type?

Ilaah إله is the type . we are negative all of إله

is translated as deity? It is something u turns towards or something that you worship with humility and passion.

لا إله
Means there is no deity to turn to or to worship.

So لا اله الا الله means there is no deity worthy of worship in truth except for Allaah. when we say this that excludes every single other deity which is worshipped besides Allaah.

🎯 Therefore the testification has two pillars

Negation 🍂
لا إله
You reject and disbelieve in all other false diety and God and everything that is worshipped besides Allaah.

Az-Zukhruf 43:26

وَإِذْ قَالَ إِبْرَٰهِيمُ لِأَبِيهِ وَقَوْمِهِۦٓ إِنَّنِى بَرَآءٌ مِّمَّا تَعْبُدُونَ

And [mention, O Muhammad], when Abraham said to his father and his people, “Indeed, I am disassociated from that which you worship.

Affirmation 🍃
إلا الله
That you affirm worship for Allaah alone without partners. This is tawheed of Ahle Sunnah

Az-Zukhruf 43:27

إِلَّا ٱلَّذِى فَطَرَنِى فَإِنَّهُۥ سَيَهْدِينِ

Except for He who created me; and indeed, He will guide me.”

Source: Tawheed 101, Course offered by MIU, Three fundamental principles, shaykh haytham sharhan Ar|en

tawheed #aqeedah

Q/A majhool form

As salaamu ‘alykum wa rahmatullaahi wa barakaatuh.

﴿أَفَلا يَنظُرونَ إِلَى الإِبِلِ كَيفَ خُلِقَت۝وَإِلَى السَّماءِ كَيفَ رُفِعَت۝وَإِلَى الجِبالِ كَيفَ نُصِبَت۝وَإِلَى الأَرضِ كَيفَ سُطِحَت﴾ [Al-Ghâshiyah: 17-20]

Why in these verses خلق، رفع، نصب، سطح these verbs are mentioned in majhool form even though we know that Allah عزوجل created the camels, raised the heaven so on and so forth. What benefit we can derive from it?


Wa Alaikum Salam. Firstly, I think this is an excellent Question and thank your for asking, May Allah reward you. I think before answering the Question I would like to break it down into two parts. 1) What is Majhool 2)What the Mufassiroon say on the Ayah.

Firstly Regarding a verb which comes in the Form of that which is Majhool we need to understand something. The اسم (noun) which comes directly after the Majhool takes the Ruling of the فاعل Faa’il [Doer] . So what does this actually mean, lets break this down.

In a sentence which has No Majhool you would say سألَ محمدٌ الأستاذَ (Muhammad Asked the teacher) Now, when you look at the Word Muhammad, you see that he is the فاعل Faa’il {Doer} i.e he is asking the Question, thus the word is Marfu’ because the Fa’il is always Marfu’.

And you find the word ‘Ustaadh’ Mansub. Because it is that which is being asked. A sentence with this Verb structure is known as الفِعْلُ المَبْنِي للمَعْلُوم ‘A Verb Built upon that which is known’ = {That which is Known} i.e that which has a Fa’il that is present i.e Muhammad

Now, Verbs that are not on that form are known as الفعل المبني للمجهول Verbs that are built upon that which are unknown = {Unknown} meaning we do not know theفاعل Fa’il. In these types of sentences the فاعل is not present and we can use the previous sentence as an example.

Rather than saying سأَل محمدٌ الأستاذَ Muhammad Asked the Teacher. We can say = سُئِلَ الأستاذُ The Teacher was Asked. Notice there is no Fa’il, i.e we do not not know the person who asked, all we do know is that the question was asked. Look at the word الأستاذُ

The word الأستاذُ has now taken the place of the missing Fa’il.&it is known as نائب الفاعل {Na’ibul Fa’il} meaning = That which is in place of the Fa’il.So whenever you see verb that is Majhool, always know that the Fa’il is missing& the word after the Majhool..

Takes it’s place. E.g ضُرِبَ محمدٌ Muhammad was Hit. {Muhammad} has now taken the place of the Missing Fa’il {Doer}. If it was not Majhool it would have been. ضَرَبَ زيدٌ محمداً Zayd hit Muhammad. Now lets go the Ayah.

From a Lughah Perspective Allah is asking كيف خلقت؟ Look at the Camel how it has been created. و إلى السماء كيف رفعت And the Sky, how it has been Lifted. And the rest of the Ayaat. You notice The فاعل is not being mentioned, yet we know who the فاعل is, It is Allah Ta’ala

Because Allah has told us he created the Dunya, so the Ayah is showing us that Only Allah could have created this Dunyah and despite the Fa’il being absent, we know by way of Emaan that Allah created this, and this shows The Allah’s Infinate might.

And it also Shows Allahs Oneness. This meaning of the Ayah can be found in Tafsir Jalalayn P.603 With annotation from Safiu Rahman Mubarakpuri. Darrussalam Edition. My apologies if i have not made it any clearer and if i have made it worse. I just wanted to answer you properly.

Answered by ustaadh Khalid Hassan.

Free online Arabic program

Program overview

How is our program going to be executed:

a.We are going to take it one short course at a time, in shaa Allaah

b.Each short course will run for 5 weeks with 1 week for revision (6 weeks altogether).

c.There would be one week break before we start the new course, inshaa Allaah. During this week we would have a quick revision of the course materials once again for students who lagged behind, inshaa Allaah. Thus, when the new course starts they should be more prepared to deal with it in shaaAllaah

d.The first six (6) weeks course is going to be called ‘FOUNDATION 1’ and the other ‘FOUNDATION 2

e.In these two foundations we are going to be discussing the basic fundamentals of i. Grammar (Nahu), ii. Sorf (how words change their forms to express different meanings) and iii. reading and writing Arabic.
f.We are going to provide a 10 – 15 mins video everyday for 5 days (i.e. Monday to Friday), in shaaAllaah. These must be studied and understood everyday in preparation for the 2 live weekend sessions. In shaa Allaah
g.These 5 videos would then be used to present 2 live – 1 hour sessions which during the weekend. These sessions would have questions before each set of slides so as to test the student’s grasp of the subject. The slides would then be discussed so as to enforce what is already learnt and clarify any misunderstandings, inshaa Allaah. We hope to also provide a test at the end of each week so that the progress of the students could be assessed , inshaa Allaah.

What is required from you.

a.A commitment to stick with the program. Deal with it one at a time.

b.Study this language for Allaah sincerely so anytime you feel lazy or Shaytaan whispers to you to quit, you will be able to repel it. Remember, Allaah wants you to know what you are saying to Him.

C.If you quit seeking this knowledge, it could be an indication that you are not being honest and sincere with Allaah. That is very dangerous, so be careful!

Always renew your intention and seek Allaah’s aid in purifying it especially in studying this beautiful Language, the language that Allaah, the Almighty chose to reveal His Book The Magnificent Qur’aan in Arabic.

PDFs for foundation one (a)

Review 1 – Weekend 1 – Mod 1

Weekend Class (2) Wk 2. (Mod 2 -2)

Wk. 3 Mod 3. Weekwnd Class 2

Wk. 3 Mod. 3 – Weekwnd Class 1 (Final)

Wk. 4 Mod. 4 Weekend class 1

Wk. 4 Mod. 4 Weekend class 2

Wk. 5 Mod. 5-Review 2 Weekend class

Mod. 5 Wk. 5 -Review 1 Weekend class



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The easiest way to memorize the Noble Qur’an

The easiest way to memorize the Noble Qur’an.

By Shaykh Doctor Abdul Muhsin Al Qaasim, Imaam and Khateeb of Masjidun Nabawiyy.

All praises are due to Allah and Salaat and Salaam be upon our Prophet Muhammad and all his family and companions. This method is excellent for the strength of memorization and its solidity (deep-rootedness) and the quick speed of memorization and quick completing the Quraan. And this is the method, taking the example of Sura Jumua:

Read the first verse 20 times
Read the second verse 20 times
Read the third verse 20 times
Read the fourth verse 20 times
Read these (above) four from the beginning to the end, to link them, 20 times.
Read the fifth verse 20 times
Read the sixth verse 20 times
Read the seventh verse 20 times
Read the eighth verse 20 times
Read from the fifth verse to the eighth verse 20 times to consolidate between them
Read from the first verse to the eighth verse 20 times to perfect this page.
And like this you persist with this method for every page of the Quraan and do not increase your daily portion exceeding more than one eighth (of a chapter) because the parts memorized will increase and the memorization will be ruined (i.e. it will be difficult to retain what you have memorized).

If I wish to memorize a new page tomorrow then how do I do it?

If you wish to memorize another page for the next day, then before you memorize the new page using the method I mentioned to you, read from the beginning of the page (you memorized yesterday) to the end of the page 20 times so that the previously memorized page becomes solid (in your memory). Then memorize the new page using the method I showed.

How do I combine between memorization and revision?

Do not memorize the Quraan without revision, (otherwise) if you memorize the Quraan, page by page until you complete the Quraan, and you wish to return to what you have memorized you would find that you have forgotten what you had memorized.

The correct way is to combine memorization with revision. Divide the Quraan into 3 divisions: every 10 parts (juz) is a division. Then if you memorize one page a day, then you should revise 4 pages a day until you have memorized 10 juz. Then when you have memorized 10 juz, stop for one whole month for revision, everyday revising 8 pages.

And after a month of revision, start memorizing the remainder, a page or two, according to your capabilities and revise 8 pages until you complete memorizing 20 juz. Then when you have memorized 20 juz, stop the memorization for 2 whole months for the revision of the 20 juz, everyday revising 8 pages. Then when the 2 months of revision have passed, start with the memorization, doing one or two pages everyday according to your capability, while revising 8 pages until you complete memorizing the entire Quraan.

When you have completed memorizing the entire Quraan, revise the first 10 juz alone for one month; everyday half a juz. Then you go to the second 10 juz for a month, everyday half a juz and you read 8 pages from the first 10 juz. Then you go to memorizing the last 10 juz for one month, everyday half a juz and 8 pages from the first 10 juz and 8 pages from the second 10 juz.

How do I revise the entire Quraan when I have completed this (above) revision?

Start with revising the entire Quraan: everyday 2 parts (juz), repeating them thrice everyday, thereby completing the revision of the entire Quraan every two weeks. And in this way, during one year you would memorize the entire Quraan with perfection while you use this method the whole year.

What do I do after one year of memorizing the Quraan?

After a year of perfecting the revision of the Quraan, then let your “Hizb” (portion) of the Quraan be that of the Prophets (s.a.w) until your death, for verily he divided the Quraan into seven “Hizbs” in this way you complete the Quraan once every seven days.

Aus bin Hudhaifa (R.A) said: I asked the companions of the Messenger (S.A.W): How do you hizb (divide) the Quraan? They said: 3 Surahs, and 5 Surahs, and 7 Surahs, and 9 Surahs, and 11 Surahs, and the section of the “Mufassal” from Surah Qaaf until the end. (Narrated by Ahmad).


On the first day read from Sura Faatiha to the end of Sura Nisaa

On the second day read Sura Ma’idah to the end of Sura Tawbah.

On the third day read from Sura Yoonus to the end of Sura Nahl.

On the fourth day read from Sura Israa to the end of Sura Furqaan.

On the fifth day read from Sura Shu3araa to the end of Sura Yaaseen.

On the sixth day read from Sura Saaffaat to the end of Sura Hujuraat.

On the seventh day read from Sura Qaaf to the end of Sura Naas.

As for the Hizb of the Prophet (S.A.W), the Scholars have combined it in the saying: “فمى بشوق”

Each letter in these 2 words represents the beginning of a “hizb” of the Prophet (S.A.W) that he completed in one day. So the letter ف in the word فمى represents Sura Faatiha indicating that the Hizb on the first day starts with Surah Faatihah.

And the letter م in the word فمى indicates that the beginning of the Hizb for the second day starts with Surah Maa’idah, and the letter ى in the word فمى indicates that the beginning of the Hizb for the third day starts with Surah Yoonus.

And the letter ب in the word بشوق indicates that the beginning of the Hizb for the fourth day starts with Surah Bani Israeel (which is also called Sura Israa).

And the letter ش in the word بشوق indicates that the beginning of the Hizb for the fifth day starts with Surah Shu’araa.

The letter وin the word بشوق indicates that the beginning of the Hizb for the sixth day starts with Surah Wassaaffaat.

And the letter ق in the word بشوق indicates that the beginning of the Hizb for the seventh day starts with Surah Qaaf until the end of Sura Naas.

As for the current division of the Quraan [into 30 juzz], this is from the actions of Hajjaaj bin Yoosuf.

How do I differentiate between the mutashaabihaat (verses that are similar) in the Quraan?

The best way is that when you come across two similar verses in the Quraan, then open the Quraan (Mushaf) to both these verses and look at the difference in the two verses and reflect over it, and set a rule for yourself, and during your memorization note the difference many times until you have perfected the similarities between the two of them.

Rules and disciplines in memorization:

It is necessary that you do your memorization by a Sheikh (teacher) (so that he may) correct the recitation.
Memorize two (sides of a) pages everyday, one after Fajr and one after Asr or Maghrib and in this way you will memorize the entire Quraan solidly during one year and your memorization will be perfect, but if you increase in memorization then that which you memorized will be weak.

The memorization should be from Sura Naas to Sura Faatihah because it is easier, and after your memorization of the Quraan, your revision should be from Sura Baqarah to Sura Naas.

The memorization should be from one printed copy so it helps the firm-rootedness of memorization and the quickness of remembering the places of the verses and the ending of pages and the beginning of them.

Everyone memorizing in the first two years, that which is memorized slips away (he forgets easily that which has been memorized) and this is called “the assembly stage” so do not feel sad that the Quraan is slipping away from you or your many mistakes. And this is a difficult phase with trials, because shaytaan has a part in stopping you from memorizing the Quraan. So turn down his whisperings and continue memorizing because it is a treasure not given to just anyone.

Written by: Shaykh ‘Abdul Muhsin al-Qaasim Imaam and Khateeb of the Prophets Masjid in Madeenah al-Munawarah

Translated by: Amina Bint Abee

Revised by: Aboo Thaabit, Isma’eel bin Muhammad

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Supplication Said before Eating

Supplication Said Before Eating


Explanation by Majdee Abdul-Wahhaab al-Ahmad

If one of you eats food then say:

بِسم الله 


“In the Name of Allah”

And if you forget then, when you remember, say:

 بِسمِ الله في أوله وآخره

Bismillaahifee ‘awwalihi wa ‘aakhirihi

“In the Name of Allah, in the beginning and in the end” (1)

The complete hadeth, he (peace and salutations of Allaah be upon him) said: ”

If any of you is about to eat, he should mention the Name of Allah The Most High  in the beginning, if he forgets to mention the Name of Allah at the beginning, he should say, ‘In the Name of Allah in the beginning and the ending.”

His Saying: if he forgets to mention the Name of Allah at the beginning: meaning, if Shaytaan makes him forget to mention the Name of Allaah in the beginning of eating, and he remembers during eating that he did not say, “In the Name of Allaah” so he should say, “In the Name of Allah, in the beginning and in the end” then he is rewarded.

It comes from the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) that he was sitting and a man was eating he did not say ‘In the Name of Allaah’ The Most High until none of his food remained except for a morsel, so when he raised it to his mouth, he said, “In the Name of Allah, in the beginning and in the end“, so the Prophet (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) laughed then he said, Shaytaan has not ceased to eat with you but when he mentioned the Name of Allaah he vomited what was in his stomach.” (2)

1. Reference: Abu Dawood 3/347, see Al-Albaanee’s Saheeh At-Tirmithi 2/167.

2. Reference: Abu Dawood n0. 3767

Source: Sharh Husan-ul Muslim, p. 126

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