Tag Archives: Islaam

Salaah is the key to Success


  Did you ever shed tears internalizing the meaning of Adhaan? Did you ever answer the call to prayer (adhaan)?

It was narrated that Anas (may Allah be pleased with him) said: The Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: “Du’a is not rejected between the adhan and iqamah, so engage in du’a (supplication).” (Narrated by al-Tirmidhi, 212; Abu Dawood, 437; Ahmad, 12174 – this version narrated by him. Classed as saheeh by al-Albani in Saheeh Abi Dawood, 489).

The adhaan begins with the affirmation of Tawheed also ends with it. SubhaanAllaah! Everyday we rush towards our workplace, we rush to meet our beloved friends, we can wake up at fajr time if we have exam or a business trip, we can spend our time idly  by gossiping, listening to music, watching TV or roaming around market places.But when the Mu’adhin says “Hayya alas Salah,Hayya alal Falah – Come to prayer, come to success” we don’t rush towards masjid. We are too lazy to wake up at fajr. We are so much engrossed in our worldly affairs that we can’t even take a pause to listen to the adhaan. We want success but we don’t know how to achieve it. Five times a day  Mu’adhin calls us towards success~ towards salaah~ the key to attaining success in this dunya & akhiraa. Let’s make salaah our first priority.

May Allaah [swt]  grant us tawfiq to say our prayers in appointed time. May Allaah [swt] increase our love for salaah.May Allaah [swt] grant us success in this dunya and akhiraa. ameen.

Some useful Resources

Adhaan Workshop

Du’aa after adhaan

Adhān by Shaykh Jasim al-Amiri in Dubai

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